Friday, October 21, 2011

Final Quiz Term 1

Our final quiz of term one is scheduled for Wednesday October 26th, 2011 and will cover:

Wordskills Unit 3
Language Network: Chapter 1 "Parts of a Sentence"

 Please take the time to complete the Grammar Worksheet (Parts of a Sentence) this weekend to be corrected as soon as possible before your quiz.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Term One Exam

Your Term Test will include the following:

  • Wordskills Units 1-2
  • Language Network: Grammar Review Lesson       (Grammar Review Worksheet)
  • All writing topics covered in Term One

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homework: Week 5 Term 1


Wordskills Unit 2 Part B Due: Monday 3/10

Wordskills Unit 2 Part C Due: Wednesday 5/10

Wordskills Unit 2 Part D Due: Wednesday 5/10

Journal 2: (Due Wednesday 5/10)
Why appearance is not important.

Journal 3: (Due Sunday 9/10)
Love is…

(Your journal must be at least 300 words. Review the proper MLA format found on this blog and follow the exact directions. All Journals must include words from Wordskills Unit 2. Remember to underline all vocabulary words. Make sure to review and use all parts of the 6+1 Traits of Writing.)

Wordskills Unit 2 Part A Answers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Next Weeks Quiz

Next week's quiz will be on Wednesday Oct 5th, 2011. It will be two quizzes to compensate for this week's postponed quiz. The first quiz will cover vocabulary Unit 1, study it ALL, and the second quiz will be a comprehension quiz. Each will be counted separately for two quiz grades. Good Luck.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Phrases to Use in Debate

Week 4 Term 1

Welcome to Week Four of Term One. This week you will be covering Debate and Wordskills Unit 1
Materials Needed:
3 Ring Binder/Portfolio Divided into the following Sections:
Section 1: Warm-ups
Section 2: Notes
Section 3: Handouts/Homework/Journals
Section 4: Tests/ Quizzes

Grade 12S Homework
Journal 1 (Due Sunday October 2nd)
Debate Research (Due Monday September 26th)
Quiz: (Monday September 26th)

Journal One:  Write a journal describing an unforgettable dream. 
(Must include words correctly used from Wordskills Target Words Unit 1 Part A)


Wordskills Unit 1 Part A Answers

In Class Debate Guidelines

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Your Guide to Descriptive Writing

Journal Rubric

Journal/Essay Correction Code

This is the Journal/Essay correction code; expect to see these coded abbreviations on your next journal/essay, if you have the following mistakes.

Needs Thesis in Introduction
Restate Thesis in Conclusion
Capitalize first letter of sentences and proper nouns
Indent Paragraph
Spelling Mistakes
Double Space
Run-on Sentences
Sentence Fragment
Needs Topic Sentences
Off Topic
No Introduction
No Conclusion
Word Count Too Low
Numerous Grammar Mistakes

Proper MLA Format

 Everyone's journal/essay should look like this from a distance. 

Your name, the date, class, and word count must be in the top left corner.

Go to Line Spacing Options

Choose Double under Spacing Options.

Indent Paragraph: Choose First Line by 0.5" under Special.

Make sure to center your Title. Do not make it fancy. Do not underline. Do not make it bold. Don't do anything special!
 Your Journals and Essays must be in Times New Roman and 12pt font. Every single word must be Times New Roman 12pt. Nothing different!