Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 3 Information

Due: Sunday April 29th 2012

Vocabulary Sheet Act 3
Due: Sunday April 29th 2012

Due: Thursday April 26th 2012
Like all tyrants, Macbeth hires thugs and villains to do his dirty work for him. Write a paragraph saying how you think Macbeth’s moral condition seems to have changed from earlier scenes.

Must be three paragraphs with at least five sentences in each paragraph.

Macbeth’s soliloquy where he highlights his plans to get rid of Banquo and Fleance to guarantee that the witches’ prophecy for Banquo fails:
Notice the language of persuasion in Macbeth’s words with the hired murderers. He is trading roles with lady Macbeth using the same techniques she has used with him earlier to convince him of killing Duncan: He questions the murderers’ manhood.
1.     Lady Macbeth’s attitude towards her husband’s unhappiness and bloody desires.
2.    What does Macbeth mean by: “We have scorched the snake, not killed it.”- the snake is Duncan, and his death does not secure Macbeth as king just yet, Banquo has to be killed with his son to give more security to Macbeth’s reign.
3.    More on the theme of appearance vs. reality: “And make our face vizards to our hearts,”
4.    Why do you think Macbeth keeps his plan of killing Duncan and his son secret from Lady Macbeth?- theme of manhood.
5.    Theme of darkness (evil) vs. Light (goodness) is clear in Macbeth’s last speech.

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